Bible Study
Proverbs 12: Wise People Love Instruction
Wise people love instruction and are grateful to those who correct them. They use the rebuke to identify their own mistakes so that they can fix them. To broaden their own mistakes so that they can fix them. To broaden one’s vision and grow as a person involves challenges and pain.
Wise people love instruction and are grateful to those who correct them. They use the rebuke to identify their own mistakes so that they can fix them. To broaden their own mistakes so that they can fix them. To broaden one’s vision and grow as a person involves challenges and pain.
Those who are unwilling to challenge their inner self and relinquish their ideas and opinions will never be able to grow.
Most of the time we cannot see our own mistakes, which is why God uses people, situations, and His Word to teach us. Divine discipline is the perfect instrument to lead the children of God to external life. But those who Treat His exhortations with contempt or resent His rebukes become stagnant and unable to make use of His lessons, and then lose the privilege of Salvation.
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