Bible Study
Matthew 25: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
The ten virgins. This parable is a warning from the Lord Jesus about the need to always be alert to His return. The ten young women were virgins, that is, they had a pure faith, but only half were ready to meet the Bridegroom.
The five virgins who had prepared themselves were called “wise” and the five neglectful virgins were called “foolish.” The wise virgins took extra oil and , therefore, were ready to meet the Bridegroom.
This oil represents the Holy Spirit.
It is He Who keeps the flame of faith and communion with God Burning. Because the foolish and neglectful virgins did not take with them, their lamps went out.
These represent people who are in the church, are baptized in water, return their first fruits, give offerings, evangelize, but do not prioritize the Holy Spirit in their life. For this reason they will hear from the Lord the terrible statement: “Assuredly, I say to you, I do no know you”(v.12).
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