Bible Study
Matthew 22: The Parable of the Wedding Feast
The wedding garment refers to the righteousness of the saints (Rev. 19.8), which comes through pure and genuine faith in the Lord Jesus and justifies us before God. Many people are wearing a fake garment, that is to say, they have a fake faith.
Although they believe in Jesus, have received a few blessings, and attend church regularly, they continue to contradict God’s will by their actions.
They seem t have a pure faith, and their garments seem perfectly genuine, but the Lord see what no one else can – grudges in their hearts, malice, pride, selfishness, evil intentions, spiritual neglect, emotion faith, unreliability, hypocrisy, and everything else that makes them unworthy to participate in the marriage of the Lamb (Rev. 19.7).
Bible Study
Isaiah 28: Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem
Bible Study
Isaiah 27: The Restoration of Israel
Bible Study
Isaiah 26: A Song of Salvation
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