Bible Study
Exodus 24: Israel Affirms the Covenant
The Hebrews declared with enthusiasm that they had understood the Commandments and would follow them. And despite the rebellion that they had previously shown, the Most High accepted their decision. This shows that He has always had the desire to maintain communion with humanity. Firstly, He tried Adam, but Adam fell. Afterward, He made a new vow of faithfulness and faith with Noah and Abraham.
After that, He renewed His pact with Isaac and Jacob, and finally, with Moses and the people. After that, the Eternal Lord offered a new Covenant by surrendering His most precious Possession as a sacrifice for out sins. The Only Begotten Son, as a perfect Lamb, came to seal this Covenant eternally and to give everyone the chance to have the same, or even greater, privileges as Israel.
Bible Study
Isaiah 28: Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem
Bible Study
Isaiah 27: The Restoration of Israel
Bible Study
Isaiah 26: A Song of Salvation
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