Fantasy Football 2021 – The TRUTH About Fantasy TEs in 2020 + Super Bowl Reactions – Ep. #1026 The Fantasy Footballers are back with a new...
Joseph ws torn from his land, his family and the love and protection of his father and was sold as a slave in Egypt. But the...
He found nothing but leaves. Although it was not at the time of the fig harvest, that fig tree by the roadside had a vast foliage....
Andy, Mike, and Jason are LIVE! Super Bowl Sunday + UDK Presale Kickoff — to preorder the UDK and UDK+ (Dynasty Pass access available NOW...
Tamar was married to Er, the firstborn of Judah. He died, leaving her without children. This caused her great sadness because here desire, like all women...
The hardness of your heart. The Most High did not include separation in the original plan of marraige. His intention was to provide humanity with a...
Israel loved Joseph more. Jacob did not hid his preference of Joseph, which was his first son through Rachel. This became clear when he presented him...
The transfiguration of the Lord Jesus caused His body to shine and be glorified, revealing His Divine Nature to His closet disciples. the Lord revealed Himself...
2020 Fantasy Footballers Show Highlights A look back at some of the best on-air moments of the 2020 fantasy football season! Thanks for watching and supporting...
The Edomites were descendants of Esau. They inhabited a mountainous region to the south of the Dead Sea. They were a people that deeply hated Israel...
Having nothing to eat. During the second miracle noted where bread and fish were multiplied, the Lord Jesus fed a crowd of almost four thousand people.... KING ADDIES IS GIVING YOU A VIBE WITH SOJIE VYBES. BIG UP ALL ADDIES FANS PASS AND PRESENT. BIG UP ALL SUPPORTERS AND PROMOTERS. FOR...
Pharisees. At that time, there were several religious groups divided among themselves. Each followed a different theory and belief. The main groups were: Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes,...
God did not want Jacob to remain in the land of Shechem because his family was exposed to danger, idolatry and impurity. The moral and spiritual...
Fantasy Football 2021 – The TRUTH About Fantasy WRs in 2020, Part 2 – Ep. #1025 The Fantasy Footballers are back with a new episode! On...