Bible Study
Acts 5: Lying to the Holy Spirit
Lying to the Holy Spirit. What Ananias laid at the apostles’ feet reveled the wickedness in his heart His intention was not tho give an offering but to show generosity and faith, two qualities that he did not posses, to be appreciated by the apostles and other Christians.
In this way, he gave a deceptive offering. Ananias did not understand that by lying about the price charged for the property, he was not offering Peter, but Hoy Spirit Himself; after all, the offering was for Him and not for the disciple. Ananias’ behavior resembles the conduct of some peopel who donate significant amounts for the spreading of the Gospel but are unable to abandon their lies and sins.
They believe they can live their lives contrary to what the Word of God says if they help to maintain the Work of God
Bible Study
Isaiah 28: Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem
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Isaiah 27: The Restoration of Israel
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Isaiah 26: A Song of Salvation
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