Bible Study
Matthew 20: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
The workers in the vineyard. The vineyard represents the Kingdom of God in this world whose goal is to save souls.
It is the Most High Himself Who chooses people to serve in His Kingdom, in His Work, and one day He will gather His servants to give each one of them their reward.
He will not reward His servants based on the amount of work they did, but on how they served Him.
The big difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of this world is that in the Kingdom of Heaven the servants are rewarded according to their intentions.
Therefore, it is worth asking ourselves whether we have worked only for a reward or because we take pleasuure in serving God? The work that is most appreciated and most pleasing to the Holy Spirit is that which is done inthe first love, for it is sincere, pure and true. they are people who are not known by men, but they are knoown by Dod because they have fellowship with Him.
Bible Study
Isaiah 28: Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem
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Isaiah 27: The Restoration of Israel
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Isaiah 26: A Song of Salvation
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