Evolve Or Die! It’s time to change your life. Your history is not your destiny. You are either living or dying. Those willing to evolve and...
SPARTAN MINDSET! Everybody gets this wrong, this is life’s biggest myth. It’s called The Spartan Paradox. Powerful New Motivational Speech by Spartan Race Founder & CEO...
High level view of what Infinite banking and Velocity banking is about. Just a teaser to see if you like the idea of being your own...
…Don’t let your mind go to far into the future or past… …Extended their lives by 10%…
CAN’T BREAK ME! People will hate you, rate you and put you down, but no matter what, don’t let them break you. New motivational speech and...
You are leaving a legacy whether you want to or not! Stop repeating generational curses and start living for legacy today. Powerful motivational speech video and...