Caleb was a bold man, a warrior, and a hard worker, which was why he did not want to give his daughter Achsah to a lazy...
The inheritance: The Most High, as the true Owner of the earth, gave Israel its inheritance. He asked for nothing other than for His people to...
This channel always have good vibes mixed with the word.
This is one of the most transparent trading gurus on the YouTube. Watch as many videos you need to feel comfortable and then follow is lead....
Excellence of speech. Paul was highly educated in Jewish schools; so, he could speak eloquently with anyone. The apostle know that Greek culture valued knowledge, but...
This channel always have good vibes mixed with the word.
Faith does not sit still. Joshua had already grown old with many lands still left to conquer. It is impossible for our physical bodies not to...
For a long time, the children of Israel were at war. The Land had been give to them, but they needed to take possession of it....
This channel always have good vibes mixed with the word.